About Us
The wellness music tracks of Metta Mindfulness Music have been used to promote wellbeing at numerous clinics, workshops, yoga studios, meditation and wellness apps, and hospital waiting rooms including Dr. Michael S. Okun’s Norman Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases University of Florida Health, Pacific College of Health and Science, Esalen Institute, Quantum Institute New Delhi, India, AOBTA(American Organization of Body Therapies of Asia), Pacific Symposium, 1440 Multiversity, Insight Timer App, JoyScore App, MindHouse App, SoundMind App, The Shift Network App, Together We Are Network, Urban Yogi App, YogiTunes, Yoga Downloads, and more. Our music tracks have been chosen to be among the best selling releases on Amazon.com and among the top 10 Ayurveda tracks worldwide by Ayurclinic.
Dr. Richard Gold
Metta Mindfulness Music President and Executive Producer
Dr. Richard Gold is a licensed acupuncturist and holds a Doctorate in Psychology. He graduated from Oberlin College in 1972 with a degree in World Religions and a minor in pre-medicine. He graduated from the New England School of Acupuncture in 1978 and since then has devoted his professional career to the study, practice, researching, teaching and publishing in the field of East Asian Medicine. Dr. Gold has pursued advanced studies in China (1981), Japan (1986) and Thailand (1988, 1989, 1992). Dr. Gold was one of the four founders of the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, a regionally and nationally accredited college of traditional Chinese Medicine with campuses in San Diego, Chicago and New York City. He served on Board of the college for many years and continues to teach there. Dr. Gold was first introduced to meditation and yoga in 1970 during a month long meditation retreat and has pursued mental mindfulness and meditative awareness over the past 40+ years. In recent years, Dr. Gold has studied neuroscience and the evolving understanding of the effects of sound and meditation on the brain. Dr. Gold is a published author and lectures internationally. His best-known book is ‘Thai Massage: A Traditional Medical Technique’ first published in 1998 and now in it’s second edition.
Yuval Ron
Metta Mindfulness Music Artistic Director
Yuval Ronis an award-winning composer who has been involved in the world of music therapy since a commission in 1990 from researcher Robert Monroe of the Monroe Institute for hemi sync music composition using binaural beats. He has collaborated with neuroscientists Mark Waldman, and Dr. Andrew Newburg, psychotherapist Dr Sanjay Manchanda, pioneer healers Dr. Richard Gold and Gail Lynn, Sufis, Kabbalists and Ayurvedic healers and is the founding director of the record label Metta Mindfulness Music which produces quality intentional healing music for use in clinics and treatments centers worldwide. Yuval was invited to perform meditative music for the Dalai Lama, the Sufi Sheikh Sidi Muhammad, collaborated with the Sufi leaders Pir Zia Inayat Khan and Pir Shabdah Khan, with numerous master musicians including Omar Faruk Tekbilek, Estrella Morente and Deva Premal, and with the Zen Buddhist priest and master artist Hirokazu Kosaka.
Yuval has been invited to speak at numerous schools including: Yale, John Hopkins University, UCLA, Middlebury College, MIT, Berklee College of Music, University of Chicago, and has given keynote addresses at the Pacific conference of Oriental Medicine in San Diego, and at the Quantum Institute, in New Delhi, India. Yuval’s book Divine Attunement: Music as a Path to Wisdom won Gold Medal Award for Best book in Spirituality Category in the Indie Book Award 2015. He has composed scores for the Oscar winning film West Bank Story, PBS Nova documentaries such as Breaking the Maya Code, art house films such as Proteus, and scores for site-specific installations at the Getty Museum, Japan America Center, LAX, and more. He is the founder and executive director of the charity non-profit organization Inspired Sound Initiative, dedicated to providing free-of-charge educational performance arts programming to under-served communities and youth-at-risk worldwide.
For more info:www.yuvalronmusic.com,mettamindfulnessmusic.com, andinspiredsoundinitiative.org